What Are The Best Instagram Contest And Giveaway Strategies?
Do you have an Instagram account with thousands of followers, but no engagement? Have you ever wanted more followers? Perhaps a shoutout by an influencer? Or have you just been curious as to how others are running successful Instagram contests and giveaways to grow their following, engage their audience. Here are the best Instagram contest and giveaway strategies:
Know your audience
Knowing who your audience is crucial to running a successful contest. If you are giving away a product, it is important to know if your audience would really be interested in that product. Giving away a pair of shoes will not do you well if most of your followers are women, as they don’t wear shoes. However, they might be interested in other products such as jewelry or fashion accessories. The Instagram followers you buy fromĀ Go Read are delivered to your account gradually, ensuring that they look natural and organic.
Have more than one winner
This may seem like common sense, but if you have only one winner, you will be losing a lot of potential followers in the process. Making it so that there are a number of winners will help with the promotion and allow your post to be seen by more people. You can make a post for each winner or post once with multiple winners.
Be genuine
If your contest is not genuine, it will not attract many people and your followers will see through this ruse. If people feel they are being misled, they will not want to follow your account. The contest and giveaway must be announced early on and the guidelines must be clearly stated.
Stick to your strategy
It is important that you stick with the rules of your contest or giveaway. Make sure you have stated exactly what is included in the giveaway and make sure that it does not vary from your original post. Also make sure you get real followers to participate, by getting friends/family or other influencers to join as well.
Make sure you have a deadline in place
Many people will participate in a contest or giveaway that has no end date, but this is not effective as you are likely to lose followers when they see that their votes and shares are not going to produce any results. Make sure you have a set date so that people know when the campaign is actually going to end.
Run other social media contests
If you do not see any action on your Instagram account, you might want to run a contest or giveaway on one of your other social media platforms. Make sure to link it to your Instagram so that people will be aware of it. You could also use another platform as well, such as YouTube or Twitter.